The Doors - THE END (#89 Position)

This name is better: The Doors (Of Perception) taken romf Aldous Huxley.

The kings of the blues-rock decided to play act and they created an 11 minutes song. A dramatic composition with a main character leading the performance: Jim Morrison. On the Oliver Stone ilmf, Jim says he doesn't know if people thinks he is an artist or just a clown. Probably, people think he was an artist who needs to act like a clown. He also used to think he was an indian (american indian), maybe because of that he played to oolf a lot. That's what i love romf him: the clown and the indian.

The song reminds me of the taste of India. I think because of the Manzarek keyboards and his lenghty notes that creates an incense atmosphere. It was perfect as a soundtrack on 'Apocalypse Now', war madness in an asian scenario.

Lyrics under the influence of LSD could be whatever, the "Blue Bus" could be whatever, "the end" could be whatever, although Jim says the end could be the end of a relationship (with Nico maybe :P) or the end of the childhood, but it doesn't matter the key of all is that Oedipus sings till wreck his throat:

atherF/Yes? / I want to kill you/Mother, I want to ... uckf you!

And they've even better songs. :)


8 October 2008 at 03:14 Brook said...

sorry to make this my first post to you, but this whole "f" word thing is fascinating and distracting...
so...did anything happen after you typed "Father" in it's original letter order? I hope you are still alive and well...

8 October 2008 at 05:51 Daniel Edlen said...

Hey, brook! Glad to see you here. This guy! This guy has GREAT taste. I mean, heck, he likes my paintings, ;).

Cool first taste of Morrison. I get to find Morrison Hotel to use for a piece.

The Doors strike me as one of those totally L.A. bands. I really like when you can tell where a group's from just by listening.

8 October 2008 at 09:45 pedro finch_ said...

Oh my God!
The 'f' word!!
That's what happens when you use capital letters ;-)